If you've ever wanted to see the groundhog come
out of his hole, you don’t have to drive the five hours from New York to
Pennsylvania to do it. This past weekend, my adventurous family woke up at 5AM,
packed blankets and snacks and hopped in my Dodge Journey to wheel it out from
the Bronx to the Staten Island Zoo, where within the hour we were parked and
hiking throughout the frigid temps to visit Staten Island’s Chuck the
Groundhog. In case you don't realize it, Chuck is the official groundhog meteorologist of New York City. Last year he
bit Mayor Michael Bloomberg - no doubt upset about the constant taxes Bloomberg
is so fond of. This year City Council
Speaker Christine Quinn was there
to officiate.
held my 6-year-old daughter on my shoulders for the duration of the 40-minute
ceremony. My 9 year old, however, was not as happy to be there as the rest of
us. She just couldn’t warm up amidst the 20-degree chill. My wife took photos
in her usual keen-eyed fashion.
Swiped from The New York Daily News web site...with yours truly and family upper left. |
New York
accents were in full force as the ceremony begun. Introductions were started by
a band that didn't know the words to the Beatles "Ob-La-De, Ob-La-Da".
Next, they performed their own original song about "Stun-island
Chuck." Ten minutes of silence passed as we wondered when the show would
start. I was beginning to feel like I was trapped in the Staten Island Ferry
terminal waiting for the next boat to load. Finally, some sweet kids from PS29
sang the National Anthem, and Borough President of Staten Island James Molinari
announced he had to get up at "tree-in-the-morning" to be here.
Christine Quinn touted Chuck's record of accurately predicting the weather 80%
of the time in contrast to PA's Punxatawney Phil, who has only been 40%
When Chuck finally came out (cute little fella), Quinn and
colleagues concluded that Chuck DID NOT See his shadow, and therefore spring
will be arriving in 6 weeks. Good call, Chuck! Give the people what they want,
or there's liable to be someone shouting "Moider da bum!"