Monday, September 12, 2011

Toon Boom Pipeline Fun

I have recently added Toon Boom Storyboard Pro to my production pipeline. I took advantage of the sale over the summer, and now some new projects have miraculously appeared to make the purchase worthwhile. I like that I can work in layers, and love the export options for QuickTime and PDF. It ain’t Photoshop, but then again, it isn’t designed to be a painting or compositing software - instead it is a tool for productivity, sequence creation, and scene management.
The best thing that software developers have done is to offer free tutorials to accompany their products. The Toon Boom tutorials by Sherm Cohen have been instrumental in getting me off to a running start. If you’ve seen them, Sherm’s sessions are friendly and easy to absorb. After a few chapters, I felt comfortable poking around and getting my project started, compiling questions as I go. When I am ready for the next step or if I am stuck I seek the next tutorial. Check out the link:

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